[2022.11.16] Notice of the 2022 DONG_A International Day


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작성자 ICT
댓글 0 Lookup 385 작성일 22-11-22 13:33


<2022 International Day> which is an international exchnage event will be held at Dong-A University Bumin Campus.

You can experience traditional foods and games of various countries and there will be recommendations for useful programs and various performances.

Healing with your tired mind in another country with an interesting event!

-Date&Time: 2022.11.16.(Wed) 14:00-20:00

-Location: Dong-A University Bumin Cmapus Square

-For whom: Person Interested in international exchnages (Enrolled students and foreign students)

Attachment 1. <2022 International Day> Announcement.
